Presentation list

[32]A novel technology for element-sensitive 3D tomography
Xiao Zhao PSI
M3/Day 3-1 16 Oct 2024, 09:30-09:55
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[31]15. Research on the calibration method of the avalanche gap of MTPC anode plate
Chu Tianzhi Mr. Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shenzhen University;Institute of high energy physics;China Spallation Neutron Source
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation
[29]The Ultra-Low material budget GEM based TPC for tracking with VMM3a readout
Francisco Garcia Dr. HIP
M4/Day 4-1 17 Oct 2024, 12:05-12:30
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[28]16. An improve of performance in MTPC with waveform deconvolution technique
Chen Hongkun Mr. Sun Yat-sen University;Institute of high energy physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation
[27]Resistive High Granularity Micromegas for Future Detectors. Status and Perspectives
Mauro Iodice INFN Roma Tre
M4/Day 4-1 17 Oct 2024, 10:20-10:45
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[26]Comparative study of resistive MPGD technologies
Darina Zavazieva Prof. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; Weizmann Institute of Science
M2/Day 2-1 15 Oct 2024, 11:40-12:05
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[25]17. FOML,a deep learning based fast online multi-track locating algorithm for MPGD with silicon pixel sensors
jiangyong du Mr. Northwest Normal University;Institute of Modern Physics
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation
[24]PMT analysis for Negative Ion Drift and 3D reconstruction
David Marques Mr. Gran Sasso Science Institute
M1/Day 1-1 14 Oct 2024, 11:40-12:05
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[23]Research on TPC physics experiments and simulation methods at Back-n white neutron source
Haizheng Chen Dr. Dongguan Neutron Science Center;Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS);Department of Nuclear Science and Technology, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University
M1/Day 1-2 14 Oct 2024, 16:40-17:05
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[22]Numerical simulation of space charge effects in MPGDs
Maxim Titov CEA
M4/Day 4-2 17 Oct 2024, 16:30-16:55
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[21]Exploitation of a 2D triple GEM detector at the MASTU spherical tokamak
Celora Agostino University of Milan-Bicocca
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[20]18. Multi-dimensional measurement ASIC for Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors
Xuexin Zhu Prof. Northwest Normal University;Institute of modern physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation
[18]Study of signal formation in the ERAMs of T2K TPC
Daniele D'Ago Mr. University of Padova and INFN Padova
M1/Day 1-2 14 Oct 2024, 15:20-15:45
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[17]Technical challenges for the new T2K ND20 High Angle TPCs
Stefano Levorato Dr. INFN PD
M4/Day 4-2 17 Oct 2024, 16:55-17:20
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
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