[Oral Presentation]No neutrino Double beta decay Experiment - NvDEx

No neutrino Double beta decay Experiment - NvDEx
ID:33 Submission ID:33 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2024-08-28 15:10:59 Hits:92 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2024-10-18 11:10 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[M5] MPGD2024-Day5 » [Day 5-1] MPGD2024-Day5AM

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Observing nuclear neutrinoless double beta decay (0vbb) would be a revolutionary result in particle physics. Observing such a decay would prove that the neutrinos are their own antiparticles, help to study the absolute mass of neutrinos, explore the origin of their mass, and may explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry in our universe by lepton number violation. We propose developing a time projection chamber (TPC) using high-pressure 82SeF6 gas and Topmetal silicon sensors for readout in the China Jinping Underground Laboratory (CJPL) to search for neutrinoless double beta decay of 82Se, called the NvDEx experiment. Besides being located at CJPL with the world’s thickest rock shielding, NvDEx combines the advantages of the high Q value (2.996 MeV) of 82Se and the TPC’s ability to distinguish signal and background events using their different topological characteristics. This makes NvDEx unique, with great potential for low-background and high-sensitivity 0vbb searches. NvDEx-100, a NvDEx experiment phase with 100 kg of SeF6 gas, is being built, with plans to complete installation at CJPL by 2026. This report will introduces the NvDEx concept and its advantages, and the progress of the NvDEx-100 construction. 
Neutrinoless double beta decay,Time projection chamber,silicon pixel sensor
Chengxin Zhao
Prof. Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of modern physics

Submission Author
Chengxin Zhao Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of modern physics
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