Presentation list

[81]Progress of Experiments in China's Underground Laboratories
Yue Meng Prof. Shanghai Jiao Tong University
M2/Day 2-2 15 Oct 2024, 14:00-14:30
PUBLIC Invited speech
[80]Future Colliders for High Energy Physics in China (CEPC & STCF)
Jianbei Liu Prof. University of Science and Technology of China
M2/Day 2-1 15 Oct 2024, 09:00-09:30
ATTENDEE Invited speech
[79]EIC and ePIC Detector
Silvia Dalla Torre Prof. INFN, Trieste
M1/Day 1-1 14 Oct 2024, 09:00-09:30
ATTENDEE Invited speech
[78]Optical readout of MPGDs: applications and R&D
Florian Maximilian Brunbauer CERN
M1/Day 1-2 14 Oct 2024, 14:00-14:30
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[76]Application and Utilization of GEM Detectors in Radiation Imaging
Chandra Prakash Mr. University of Delhi
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[75]2. Improvement of sensitivity for MeV Gamma ray Telescope using Time Projection Chamber technology
Rui Zhou Mr. University of Science and Technology of China
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation
[73]Performance of resistive MPGD for hadron calorimeter
Anna Stamerra INFN; Bari
M1/Day 1-2 14 Oct 2024, 17:05-17:30
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[72]Development of the high-rate capable DLC-RPC based on the current evacuation pattern
Masato Takahashi Mr. Kobe University
M2/Day 2-2 15 Oct 2024, 15:20-15:45
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[71]New Mission Concept: a high precise MeV Gamma Telescope using TPC Technique read out with Micromegas
Libo Wu Dr. Deep Space Exploration Laboratory
M3/Day 3-1 16 Oct 2024, 09:55-10:20
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[70]4. TPC Track Denoising with Machine Learning Techniques
Hugo Natal da Luz Mr. IEAP, Czech Technical University in Prague
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation
[69]5. Future missions of the former LHCb Outer Tracker gaseous detector at GSI/FAIR
Anastasios Belias Dr. GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation
[68]6. Study on the bias analysis and correction in MPGD μTPC mode
Zhujun Fang Dr. USTC
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation
[66]Recent results on the low-pressure GEM-based TPC at an Accelerator Mass Spectrometer,
Tamara Shakirova Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
M1/Day 1-1 14 Oct 2024, 12:05-12:30
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[65]7. Development of a Portable Low Background α and β Detection Module based on Micromegas and Waveform Digitizing Electronics
Songsong Tang Mr. University of Science and Technology of China
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation
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