Presentation list

[64]8. Mass production and performance of large area thermal bonding Micromegas\DMM detectors
sicheng Wen Dr. JIANWEI Scientific Instruments (Anhui) Technology Co., Ltd.
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation
[63]Experimental comparison of strip micromegas readouts in gaseous TPCs for directional recoil detection
Ghrear Majd Mr. University of Hawaii
M2/Day 2-1 15 Oct 2024, 09:55-10:20
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[62]ATLAS Micromegas Performance Studies with LHC Run3 Data
Simone Francescato Harvard University
M1/Day 1-2 14 Oct 2024, 14:55-15:20
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[60]µ-RWELL muon system and pre-shower for FCC-ee
Riccardo Farinelli Dr. INFN - Bologna
M2/Day 2-2 15 Oct 2024, 14:55-15:20
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[59]10. Study of MPGD based photon detectors for the STCF-RICH system
Anqi Wang Mr. University of Science and Technology of China
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation
[58]GEM Detectors for the CMS Endcap Muon System:
status of three detector stations
Yanwen Hong Ms. Vrije Universiteit Brussel
M1/Day 1-2 14 Oct 2024, 14:30-14:55
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[57]Study on the long-term stability of thermal bonding Micromegas detectors for high gas pressure experiments
Yunzhi Peng Mr. USTC
M1/Day 1-1 14 Oct 2024, 10:20-10:45
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[56]11. An SU-8 Delayed Development Processing Technology for MPGD
Liu Wen Mr. University of Science and Technology of China;Yi Zhou ustc;He Siqi USTC;Yu Wei USTC
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation
[55]A cylindrical μRGroove detector for the super tau-charm facility
Siqi He Mr. USTC
M2/Day 2-2 15 Oct 2024, 14:30-14:55
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[54]Real time Migdal effect searches with deep learning-based object detection
Jeffrey Schueler Dr. University of New Mexico
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[53]12. Research on rapid imaging with cosmic ray muon scattering tomography
Wen Qun-Gang Dr. Anhui University
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation
[52]13. Design of Highly Integrated Muon Imaging Readout Electronics for Micromegas Detector
Ting Wang Ms. University of Science and Technology of China
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation
[50]14. A high rate and high timing photoelectric detector prototype with RPC structure
Yiding Zhao Mr. University Of Science And Technology Of China
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation
[49]A 512-channel FEE prototype based on the custom ASIC for MPGD
Jiaming LI Mr. University of Science and Technology of China
M3/Day 3-1 16 Oct 2024, 11:15-11:40
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
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