Presentation list

[48]PICOSEC Micromegas precise-timing detectors towards large-scale applications and optimization
Yue Meng Ms. University of Science and Technology of China
M2/Day 2-1 15 Oct 2024, 09:30-09:55
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[47]Commissioning of the CGEM Inner Tracker
Gianluigi Cibinetto on behalf of CGEM-IT working group INFN Ferrara
M4/Day 4-1 17 Oct 2024, 09:30-09:55
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[45]Development and experimental study of the high spatial resolution muography system with Micromegas detectors
Yu Wang Dr. University of science and technology of China
M3/Day 3-1 16 Oct 2024, 12:05-12:30
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[44]The micro-RWELL for future HEP challenges and beyond
Matteo Giovannetti Dr. INFN-LNF
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[43]Production of Resistive Micromegas: Technology Transfer to Industry
Mauro Iodice INFN Roma Tre
M5/Day 5-1 18 Oct 2024, 11:35-12:00
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[42]Application of the VMM3a/SRS for tracking systems and TPCs
Karl Jonathan Flöthner Mr. University of Bonn, Germany;CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
M3/Day 3-1 16 Oct 2024, 11:40-12:05
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[41]Wavelength shifters for optically read out MPGDs
Florian Maximilian Brunbauer Dr. CERN
M2/Day 2-1 15 Oct 2024, 12:05-12:30
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[40]Robust photocathodes and spatial resolution studies of resistive PICOSEC Micromegas precise-timing detectors
Djunes Janssens CERN
M2/Day 2-1 15 Oct 2024, 10:20-10:45
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[39]SALSA: a new versatile readout ASIC for MPGD detectors
Neyret Damien CEA Saclay IRFU
M5/Day 5-1 18 Oct 2024, 09:00-09:25
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[38]Simulating Timing Performance of Resistive Detectors with Garfield++
Djunes Janssens Dr. CERN
M1/Day 1-2 14 Oct 2024, 17:55-18:20
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[36]A Flexible Electronics System for the Readout of CSNS Multi-purpose TPC
Changqing Feng University of Science and Technology of China
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[35]Development of a new large area Micromegas detector and its ToRA-based readout electronics for AMBER experiment at CERN
Maxim Alexeev Ms. University of Turin and INFN sez. Torino
M4/Day 4-1 17 Oct 2024, 11:15-11:40
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[34]Towards MPGDs with embedded pixel ASICs
Lucian Scharenberg Dr. CERN
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
[33]No neutrino Double beta decay Experiment - NvDEx
Chengxin Zhao Prof. Institute of modern physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences
M5/Day 5-1 18 Oct 2024, 11:10-11:35
ATTENDEE Oral presentation
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