[Poster Presentation]16. An improve of performance in MTPC with waveform deconvolution technique

16. An improve of performance in MTPC with waveform deconvolution technique
ID:28 Submission ID:28 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2024-10-11 14:10:35 Hits:70 Poster Presentation

Start Time:2024-10-14 08:19 (Asia/Shanghai)


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The multi-purpose time projection chamber (MTPC), which is designed for measuring neutron nuclear data of varied field, is fabricated at China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS). Its drift region is flexible, ranging from 70mm to 150mm. Ionization electrons are avalanched and collected via a resistive Micromegas detector with 1521 readout channels. As timing precision plays an important role in particle 3D track reconstruction as well as in time-of-flight method (for measuring neutron energy), we have developed deconvolution technique combined with waveform fitting for software waveform analysis. We have modeled the anode signals which contains energy and space information of detected particles. T0 of signals are obtained by utilizing FFT deconvolution technique. Data from 6Li(n,t)α experiment is used to study the detector's enhanced performance. A simulation of MTPC signals and noises is applied to estimate the timing resolution and timing bias of our software. The result shows that the timing precision of analysis result is significantly improved.
Multi-purpose Time Projection Chamber (MTPC),Waveform Analysis,Timing Precision
Chen Hongkun
Mr. Sun Yat-sen University;Institute of high energy physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Submission Author
Chen Hongkun Sun Yat-sen University;Institute of high energy physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Bai Haofan Peking University
Chen Haizheng Xi'An Jiaotong University;Institute of High Energy Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Chen Yonghao Institute of high energy physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chu Tianzhi Shenzhen University;Institute of high energy physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Fan Ruirui Dongguan Neutron Science Center;Institute of High Energy Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS);State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics
Jiang Wei Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of high energy physics
Lv You Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of high energy physics
Li Yang Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of high energy physics
Yi Han Institute of High Energy Physics; Chinese Acadamy of Sciense
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