Timetable of The 8th International Conference on Micro Pattern Gaseous Detectors


Day 5,Oct. 17, 2024Thursday

Day 4-1


2024-10-17 09:00 ~ 12:30

Timetable V35 Updated:2024-10-13 13:34:44

Start End Duration ID Title
09:00 09:30 30 83
Quantum Information: From Test of Quantum Foundations to New Quantum Technologies
Yuao Chen Prof./University of Science and Technology of China
Invited speech
09:30 09:55 25 47
Commissioning of the CGEM Inner Tracker
Gianluigi Cibinetto on behalf of CGEM-IT working group/INFN Ferrara
Oral Presentation
09:55 10:20 25 3
Nano-pattern gaseous detector (NPGD)
Yalçın Kalkan Dr./Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University
Oral Presentation
10:20 10:45 25 27
10:45 11:15 30 Coffee Break
11:15 11:40 25 35
11:40 12:05 25 2
Oral Presentation
12:05 12:30 25 29
12:30 14:00 90 Buffet Lunch
Day 4-2


2024-10-17 14:00 ~ 21:00

Timetable V35 Updated:2024-10-13 13:34:44

Start End Duration ID Title
14:00 16:00 120 Georges Charpak Prize Award Ceremony Chair: Silvia Dalla Torre (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Anton Oed Prize Award Ceremony Chair: Maxim Titov (CEA) Invited speeches “Georges Charpak: between Reality and Imagination”, Fabio Sauli (CERN) “Georges Charpak: the Man beyond science”, Ioannis Giomataris (CEA-Saclay) Public lecture on gaseous detectors, Maxim Titov (CEA) Questions and Answers
16:00 16:30 30 Coffee Break
16:30 16:55 25 22
Oral Presentation
16:55 17:20 25 17
Oral Presentation
17:20 17:45 25 84
Ceramic GEM neutron detector and its applications at China Spallation Neutron Source
Jianrong Zhou Mr./The Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Oral Presentation
17:45 18:10 25 87
Oral Presentation
18:10 18:35 25 85
18:35 19:00 25 break
19:00 21:00 120 Buffet Dinner
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