Ceramic GEM neutron detector and its applications at China Spallation Neutron Source
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Updated Time:2024-10-17 12:57:58
Oral Presentation
The China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) is the fourth high flux pulsed neutron source in the world as a national major scientific infrastructure in China. More advanced neutron spectrometers and experimental facilities will be built in the future, which urgently needs high-performance neutron detectors, especially Micro Pattern Gaseous Detector (MPGD) that meet the needs of high flux measurements. The detector and electronics team of CSNS has been devoted to the research and application on ceramic GEM neutron detectors for a long-term. The presentation will introduce the latest research achievements and the future plan, including ceramic GEM, boron coating technology, ASIC chips, and high-speed readout electronics. A various series of ceramic GEM neutron detectors, such as neutron beam monitor, high-efficiency 2D neutron detector, and large-area neutron imaging detector, have been developed and successfully applied to many instruments and facilities including the three national neutron sources (CSNS, CARR, and CMRR) and the UK Spallation Neutron Source (ISIS). In the future, the team will continue to develop advanced neutron detectors with larger area, higher detection efficiency, and higher resolution based on ceramic GEM and do the contribution to the international MPGD community.
Ceramic GEM neutron detector
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